Standalone openjdk 16
Standalone openjdk 16

standalone openjdk 16

Downloading: com/google/guava/guava/18.0/guava-18.0.jar from repository central at Unable to find resource ':guava:jar:18.0' in repository () Downloading: org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.2.3/httpclient-4.2.3.jar from repository central at Unable to find resource ':httpclient:jar:4.2.3' in repository () Downloading: org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar from repository central at Unable to find resource 'org.python:jython-standalone:jar:2.7.0' in repository () Downloading: com/google/guava/guava/18.0/guava-18.0.jar from repository at Downloading: org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.2.3/httpclient-4.2.3.jar from repository at Downloading: org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.jar from repository at Unable to get resource 'org.python:jython-standalone:pom:2.7.0' from repository central (): Error transferring file: Server returned HTTP response code: 501 for URL: Downloading: org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.pom from repository central at Unable to find resource 'org.python:jython-standalone:pom:2.7.0' in repository () Downloading: org/python/jython-standalone/2.7.0/jython-standalone-2.7.0.pom from repository at Unable to get resource 'junit:junit:pom:4.11' from repository central (): Error transferring file: Server returned HTTP response code: 501 for URL: Downloading: junit/junit/4.11/junit-4.11.pom from repository central at Unable to find resource 'junit:junit:pom:4.11' in repository () Downloading: junit/junit/4.11/junit-4.11.pom from repository at Unable to get resource ':httpclient:pom:4.2.3' from repository central (): Error transferring file: Server returned HTTP response code: 501 for URL:

standalone openjdk 16

Downloading: org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.2.3/httpclient-4.2.3.pom from repository central at Unable to find resource ':httpclient:pom:4.2.3' in repository () Downloading: org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.2.3/httpclient-4.2.3.pom from repository at Unable to get resource ':guava:pom:18.0' from repository central (): Error transferring file: Server returned HTTP response code: 501 for URL: Error transferring file: Server returned HTTP response code: 501 for URL: Downloading: com/google/guava/guava/18.0/guava-18.0.pom from repository central at Unable to find resource ':guava:pom:18.0' in repository () Downloading: com/google/guava/guava/18.0/guava-18.0.pom from repository at Could not load definitions from resource com/sun/javafx/tools/ant/antlib.xml.

#Standalone openjdk 16 install

But I get this error when trying to install it: => Iniciando build().īuildfile: /var/tmp/pamac-build-julio/nodebox/src/nodebox/build.xml Someone mentioned to me that it was in the AUR, so I tried installing that version. It is currently set to "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre" Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK. home/julio/nodebox/build.xml:115: Unable to find a javac compiler Ĭom. is not on the classpath. I cloned the files using git and tried to run using ant. I installed ant and jdk-openjdk 16 using pamac which i assumed would be enough. sudo apt-get install git-core openjdk-7-jdk ant I had already installed it using such instructions years ago in an Ubuntu machine. I first tried installing using the instructions provided in the page.

Standalone openjdk 16